Monday, November 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by mthorn_hawkesfarm.

A sample of the wholesome breakfast I had yesterday morning before a day´s sightseeing in Stockholm. I was able to fit in a short cruise along the city´s waterways, a long stroll round the old town and a visit to both the modern and the classic art galleries.

Now I´m in Sandviken, about 70 miles norht of the capital. No snow here at the moment, though there are big piles of grubby stuff left over from the last heavy downfall.

The theme of this ARION visit is Digital Competences. I had a good example of that when I arrived at Stockholm Central Station os Saturday not knowing which way to walk to my hotel. I asked a couple of platform staff, who didn´t know either, but instead of saying Ásk someone else, mate´they walked me over to a streetmap which wasn´t much help since I only had the name of the hotel and not the address. So both of them promptly got out internet enabled mobile phones and began google mapping the name of the hotel. Its location being established one of them even walked me back to the station entrance and pointed me on my way. I wonder if Swedish visitors arriving at a London mainline station would receive such devoted assistance?
Met all my colleagues for the week last night. They´re from Spain, Slovenia, Italy and Turkey - and two others from the UK. All of them are advisers or work for education departments.
We have some interesting visits lined up, including to a school where even the youngest children use no pen and paper at all, just computers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy do I share your comments re: the schools to which we are directed! This is difficult to break away from. 6.15 hey? early start.
Have a good time.